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CMS and PWHS choirs combine to present Choral Extravaganza on January 28

CMS and PWHS choirs combine to present Choral Extravaganza on January 28

Preparation is underway for an exciting night of music, with approximately 375 voices from Colonial Middle School (CMS) and Plymouth Whitemarsh High School (PWHS) joining forces for a Choral Extravaganza.

This event is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, at 7:00 p.m. in the CMS auditorium. Admission is free, and all are welcome to attend.

The concert features five different choruses and will cover a variety of styles, ranging from popular hits like I Lived by One Republic, Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer, and a medley from the Broadway hit & Juliet, to more traditional choral selections such as Can You Hear by Jim Papoulis.

Beyond showcasing the talents and traditions of Colonial School District’s choral family, the event serves as a bridge between the middle and high school choral programs. Leading up to the concert, a group of approximately 40 CMS students had the opportunity to visit a PWHS chorus class. Together with their high school counterparts, they rehearsed pieces for the concert and built connections.

“I enjoyed getting to see my high school friends in chorus and meeting new people,” said Carter Downer, an eighth grader at CMS. “I love to sing, and this made me really look forward to being in chorus at the high school.”

Fellow eighth grader Aseel Elhassan agreed, saying, “I enjoyed seeing how the PW Chorus class is designed, which gave me a sense of the environment. And I got to meet the teacher for the first time!”

The Choral Extravaganza promises to be an unforgettable evening of music. Don’t miss this celebration of Colonial School District’s choral family on Tuesday, January 28, 7 p.m., in the CMS auditorium.

PWHS Chorus Director Jeff Cooper addressing group of middle school students

Colonial Middle School eighth graders with Plymouth Whitemarsh High School Chorus Director Jeff Cooper